Women’s History Month – Shinning the Spotlight on Female Gamers in the Cyber Arena

Women’s History Month – Shinning the Spotlight on Female Gamers in the Cyber Arena


Harrisburg, PA – In celebration of Women's History Month, HACC Hawks Athletics would like to take this time to spotlight some of our female athletes who are making an impact in the Esports program. HACC Hawks Athletics had the opportunity to hear from a two of our female athletes and learn how they've made their way into the Esports realm. The female student-athletes below have become a pivotal piece to the Esports program at HACC.


Name: Jalyn Serrano

Sport: Esport (League of Legends)

Year: Freshman - First Semester

Major: General Studies

Years playing the sport: I've been playing League of legends since November 2015; this is my first year playing competitively and I'm happy to be here!


What is the most rewarding part about being a student-athlete at HACC?

My most rewarding part of being part of the team is getting to connect and play competitively with people that enjoy the same thing as me. I used to be a home-schooled cyber kid and being able to connect with people that go to the same school as you and have same ambitions is motivating!


How long have you been involved with esports/ video gaming?

I've been playing video games since I was a kid. My first video Game was Kirby's adventure for the NES, and I believe I played that at 5 years old. I started playing computer games at 8 playing games like portal, wizard 10, and TF2! I believe I first started getting into E sports when I started playing Smash Bros 4 online to win the giveaways, but I never set a name for myself.


How did you get started with esports/ what interested you in participating?

Honestly, I've always liked looking at people playing games competitively! I personally honestly am not really a competitive player but, I do take what I do seriously. I also make sure that I have fun with playing because having a positive mindset can help your team.


March was Women's History Month. What does this mean to you and what opportunities do you think it presents in terms of talking points for the esports industry?

Women's history month is a great month to reflect on how much women have come far ahead! With women's history month it's a good time to appreciate being a woman. J Esports seems like a more equal field for women, men, and nonbinary people to compete together!


What do you like about esports?

I love being able to play a game I enjoy in a sports environment! Being able to communicate with my teammates as well always helps!


Name: Rue Koiro

Sport: Esports - Valorant

Year: Sophomore

Major: Nursing

Years Playing the Sport: Two Years


What is the most rewarding part about being a student-athlete at HACC?

I became friends with the other student-athletes from different campuses and they are now some of my closest friends. I loved going to the athlete's banquet with them. My friend group are one of the teams that made it out of the game and we have met and hung out in real life.


How long have you been involved with esports/ video gaming?

I have been involved with HACC esports for two years, but before I could afford a PC, I was a mobile competitive player and content creator for an all-girls mobile organization.


How did you get started with esports/ what interested you in participating?

My friend played esports and high school and was interested in HACC's program. Sent me the discord and I joined and instantly became attached to the valorant team


What do you like about esports?

I love that we can come to the Harrisburg arena and play together. It's great talking to everyone from multiple campuses and building that connection!


Awards and Accolades (Please list all achieved while at HACC academic/ athletic):

Dean's list, esports participating athlete for part time students, honors






You can catch these female trailblazers in action on the HACC Esports Twitch Channel as they compete in the NJCAAe Cyber Arena this Spring!


Go Hawks!!


HACC Hawks Esports Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/haccesports