Super Smash Bros Ultimate Defeated by Crowder College

Super Smash Bros Ultimate Defeated by Crowder College

Harrisburg, PA - The first game of the match Sinnohman starts out by picking Pikachu against their opponent's Donkey Kong. In a 3-minute match, Sinnohman manages to take one of Crowder College's stocks, but just can't seem to out-do this DK main. Going to game 2, Sinnohman switches it up and chooses Piranha plant, while Crowder stays as DK. This switch seems to be good as Sinnohman is able to get the opponent to 131% with their 2 stocks left, but they just can't finish the DK off, losing the game.

Onto the third game, Sinnohman switches back to Pikachu, but Crowder College switches onto Ness. This proves to be an even tougher challenge as they take all 3 of Sinnohman's stocks without losing one of their own. A hard overall match this week for Sinnohman, but a long season left for SSBU Team to practice and get some wins!