Hawks Overwatch Team Falls In Double Header Match

Hawks Overwatch Team Falls In Double Header Match

Harrisburg, PA - The Hawks Overwatch 2 Red Team played both of their first two series back-to-back on Friday night. The first series was against Barton Community College. The series started with a match of Control on Lijiang Tower. The Hawks were unable to get control of the point at all on the frist round. But the second round started off strong with a great pick onto the enemy Reinhart thanks to a Mei wall from team captain Jacob "TacoFiles" Gilbert, allowing the Hawks to get control of the point. Unfortunately, they could only hold for 26%, until Barton took the point until the end of the round. The second map went to King's Row for a match of Hybrid. Hawks started on attack, quickly taking the point and pushing the payload all the way to 0.46m from the checkpoint, where Barton prevented them from getting that mere distance to extend their time. Switching to defense, the Hawks could not stop Barton from matching their payloads distance, and lost the map. For the third map, the Hawks struggled on a match of Payload on Rialto. Starting on attack, they just couldn't get the payload very far, and Barton was able to match their distance. The overall series score was 0-3.

Onto the second series, the Hawks played the Iowa Central Tritons for another difficult three maps. Another starting map of Control on Lijiang Tower proved to be even more challenging than against Barton as the Hawks were unable to score any time on the point. Going to King's Row for Hybrid, the Hawks once again are able to take the point, but unable to hit the checkpoint with the payload. The Tritons on their attack are successfully able to match the Hawks' distance, giving them the round. The third map was Payload on Junkertown, where the Tritons' Widowmaker was just a nuisance to the Hawks' attack. The Hawks were able to get 74 meters on their push, but once again, the Tritons match their distance and take away the map leading to another 0-3 score on the series. Two well-played games coming from the Hawks, but an eye-opening start to the season to show them what kind of teams they will need to outperform throughout the rest of the season.


OW2 Team Black (0-2) were not streamed this week, but also suffered an unfortunate loss.