Super Smash Bros Ultimate Defeated by NW Michigan

Super Smash Bros Ultimate Defeated by NW Michigan

Harrisburg, PA - Ethan "Glorius_Cashew" Hoffman (in-game name of Peanut) played a full 5 match series against Northwestern Michigan College this week.

All 5 matches consisted of their Piranha plant vs. NW Michigan's Captain Falcon. After losing the first 2 matches, things were not looking too hot for Cashew. But after winning both game 3 and 4, they brought it back to a tie breaker match 5. Unfortunately, the Captain Falcon was just too much as they won the last match with 3 stocks left. The overall score was 2-3, but an amazing comeback and show of skill from "Glorius_Cashew" as the Hawks almost get their first season win.