HACC Hawks Overwatch 2 Team Falls to Missouri Grizzlies

HACC Hawks Overwatch 2 Team Falls to Missouri Grizzlies

Harrisburg, PA - The Overwatch 2 Team Black played a hard series against the Missouri Grizzlies on Friday.

Starting on a match of Control on Ilios, the Hawks had a decent first round tallying 28% on the point, but in the second round they were unable to get any time on point as they lost both rounds of control.

Heading into the second match, the Hawks entered King's Row for a game of Hybrid. The Hawks started on defense and held the point for a few moments. But, as soon as their first defense falls apart, they struggled to re-establish a hold anywhere as the Grizzlies just walked the payload the whole way. Switching to attack, the Hawks tried multiple approaches getting onto the point but just couldn't stay alive long enough to capture it or keep the payload moving. This moves the team to a match point on Rialto for map three. The Hawks start on defense and burn a good bit of time, preventing the Grizzlies from getting the payload to the first checkpoint. However, there wasn't another point the Hawks could stop and the payload was pushed all the way with three minutes to spare. Switching sides, the Grizzlies' defense was just overwhelming as the Hawks couldn't get the payload moving at all. Only getting 16 meters on the payload, the HACC Hawks lost the final map, ending the series with a 0-3 score.