Overwatch 2 Team Falls to Three Rivers College Raiders

Overwatch 2 Team Falls to Three Rivers College Raiders

Harrisburg, PA - Overwatch 2 Team Black played a 4-map series against the Three River College Raiders on Friday.

The series started on Nepal for Control. Round 1, the Hawks came out strong as they took the point first and held it the entire round. The second round, the Hawks rushed onto the point early and were able to secured it. But after a play from the Raiders' Roadhog to pull Jonathan "TheJean" Cunnings off of the map, the Raiders took away the point and held it the rest of the round. The third round, Raiders captured the point early and held it 28% until the Hawks pushed them off and held the heavily contested point to win the round.

The second map went to King's Row for Escort. The Hawks defended first, and held the initial point off for 2 minutes until the Raiders captured it. But the Hawks just couldn't find a good chokepoint to hold the Raiders off until only 2 meters away from the first checkpoint. But that wasn't enough as the Raiders held the advantage all the way in overtime. The Hawks attacked round two, and with a great Moira ULT from Aileen "MsJuice" Wilkens they narrowly took the point early in the round. Unfortunately, getting countered by an enemy Symmetra ULT they were unsuccessful in capturing it until late in the round. Pushing the Payload, the Hawks just could not get it all the way to the first checkpoint and lost the map.

Junkertown is the third map for a match of Escort. The Hawks played a great defense and stopped the Raiders before getting to the second checkpoint. Unfortunately, the Hawks' offense could only get the payload ¾ of the way to the first checkpoint, and they lost.

The final map was a battle set on Push on Colosseo. The map started with an early, heavy offense from the Raiders who took the bot 60 meters before getting wiped. The Hawks then made their push, but only got 15 meters before an enemy Symmetra ULT stops them. The Hawks are unable to stop the Raiders and get a good push going until the Raiders have 100 meters on the bot, but time is low at this point and the Hawks only were able to get the bot 68 meters before losing the map.

A well-fought game from Team Black, and with every game looking more promising hopefully we will see a win in their final season games.