MW2 Defeated by Herkimer College

MW2 Defeated by Herkimer College

Harrisburg, PA - With the absence of Team Captain Andrew "D0nks" Dunkel, and a tough opponent of Herkimer College (6-1), the MW2 Hawks suffered a loss for their last game of the season.

The series started on Breenbergh Hotel for a game of Hardpoint. Herkimer College showing dominance a majority of the game, the Hawks were only able to get 111 points compared to Herkimer's 250, despite a great performance from Ethan "Point_Orbit" Payne with a K/D of 23/15.

The second map went to Mercado Las Almas for a match of Search and Destroy. Despite some close rounds and some great plays (like the cross-map, Dead Silence plant on round 3 from Amanda "SketchPon3" Rychwalski), the Hawks lost the map 1-6.  

The third map returned to Breenbergh for Control, and the Hawks just can't seem to outdo their opponents as they didn't score any rounds on the third map.

 A tough series and season for the MW2 team, but an amazing job from the team seeing the season through to the end.