OW2 Team Black Captures Victory Against Jefferson Cannoneers

OW2 Team Black Captures Victory Against Jefferson Cannoneers

Harrisburg, PA- HACC's Overwatch 2 Team Black proved it's never too late as they won their final series of the season against the Jefferson College Cannoneers.

The series started on Oasis for Control. Round 1, the Hawks dominated as they took the point first and held it the whole round. Round 2 was much closer as the Cannoneers got up to 83% on the point until the Hawks overwhelmed them and took the point back to win the round in OT. Map 2 went to King's Row for Hybrid. The Hawks started on defense and managed to hold the Cannoneers off from getting to the first checkpoint, with a great Shatter ULT coming from our Reinhardt player Jonathan "TheJean" Cunnings to finish the round. Unfortunately on attack, the Hawks struggled to get any foothold on the point and couldn't secure the payload in time, losing them the map. Map 3 went to Havana for Escort. The Hawks defended first, and managed to prevent the Cannoneers from getting to the final checkpoint, with great joint ULTs from Symmetra player Madison "Chupe" Cuckovic and Zach "Gugga" Wood on Pharah to close out the round. On attack, the Hawks managed to out-do their opponents and pushed the payload all the way with only 30 seconds left on the clock. Push on New Queen Street was the final map of the series. With things starting heavily in the favor of the Cannoneers, the Hawks take possession of the bot quite a few times and the map goes back-and-forth the entire time. With only 15 seconds left, the Hawks had possession of the bot and pushed it passed their opponents' limit to win the map 83m to 74m. The final series score was 3-1 in favor of the Hawks.

An amazing and seasonal best performance from OW2 Black Team, as they are able to finally get a win to end their season!