Hearthstone Player Raven Fisher Defeats Hocking College to Win NJCAAe Championship

Hearthstone Player Raven Fisher Defeats Hocking College to Win NJCAAe Championship

Harrisburg, PA -  Raven "Twoforone" Fisher secured his ticket to the NJCAAe Hearthstone Championship game after capturing the victory over Three Rivers College; 3-2.


On Saturday, Dec. 10, 2022 Raven Fisher entered the Hearthstone Championship game against Hocking College Hawks. The game was a best of five shielded conquest and in game one Raven "Twoforone" Fisher lead with his Mage deck against Hocking's Shaman. The first match was a fairly even game, Fisher was leading for the first half of the match and then lost momentum around turn eleven. At which point Hocking College created a large board of minions that would have put "Twoforone" within lethal range, however, through repetitive use of freeze mechanics "Twoforone" was able to stall Hocking's board while damaging the opponent until lethal and taking the first game. 


In the second game, Raven Fisher lead with Warlock deck against Hocking's Shaman. The second game was not in Fishers favor as he struggled to battle back. Raven "Twoforone" Fisher quickly developed a large board early on, however Hocking's devolve mechanics negated the effects of any board Fisher would produce before out-valuing.  Hocking's player turned Twoforone's cards against him until he ran out of options and Hocking took the second game. 


In the third game, Raven "Twoforone" Fisher lead with his Shaman against Hocking's Priest.  It was a fast-paced game where "Twoforone" quickly gained board advantage through evolve mechanics. This move forced Hocking to use a lot of their wind conditions just to break even, leaving them in a position where "Twoforone" out-valued them and got board lethal. 


In the fourth game, Fisher lead with his Warlock against Hocking's Priest.  Despite Hocking's strong start "Twoforone" quickly established a board presence and began to overwhelm Hocking College with curse mechanics.  This placed Hocking in a position where they were unable to recover. "Twoforone's" opponent emoted "You play like the Ancient Ones" and conceded, giving the Championship win to Raven "Twoforone" Fisher.  This was a monumental  victory as it is the first E-Sports NJCAAe Tournament win for the HACC Hawks! #HACCProud #HACCYeah