HACC Hawks Defeated by Northwestern Michigan

Harrisburg, PA - Malik "Gora" Masood, HACC's returning SSBU player and residential Cloud Strife main, took on Northwestern Michigan College (NMC) for his first match of the season. SSBU is played in a 3 stock, no items, best of 5 stages format.

The first stage was Pokemon Arena where Gora pulled out his Cloud and NMC used R.O.B. The stage started off rough, as Gora was down 2 stocks before taking one of NMC. As the match progressed, things became closer and closer until it finished in a 1v1 that Gora lost and NMC survived at 96%. Stage 2 was also on Pokemon Arena and it played out in almost the exact same way. Also ending with both players on 1 stock, Gora going into their final battle at already over 100%, he miraculously took out NMC with a fully charged limit and a cross slash. The third stage of the match went to final destination for another Cloud vs R.O.B. rematch. This one started off SLOW, with no stocks lost until Gora loses one 2 minutes into the round. Quickly after, he trades back and take one of NMC's stocks and then loses another of his. Sadly, R.O.B.'s flailing tornado arms slapped Gora's last stock away from him and he lost stage 3. Stage 4 was Pokemon Arena yet again, with Gora switching to Rosalina and Lima to try and beat this R.O.B. main. Unfortunately, this proved a bad idea as he lost his last 2 stocks to failed recoveries on the edge and lost the stage and the overall match. Northwestern Michigan took this match with a score of 3-1.